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The Pioneer Fund

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The Pioneer Fund, founded in 1937 and still in operation, has sought to promote “race betterment” for “white persons who settled in the original thirteen states prior to the adoption of the Constitution.” N. Ordover, the author of “American Eugenics: Race, Queer Anatomy, and the Science of Nationalism,” discusses TPF’s ongoing impact.


  • Dr. N. Ordover

    N. Ordover is the author of American Eugenics: Race, Queer Anatomy, and the Science of Nationalism. They earned their PhD in Ethnic Studies at UC Berkeley and received a Rockefeller Residency Fellowship from Columbia University’s Program for the Study of Sexuality, Gender, Health, and Human Rights. After co-founding/directing the Coalition to Lift the Bar, an alliance of LGBTQ, BIPOC, immigrant justice, and HIV/AIDS organizations that waged a successful campaign to overturn the US bar to entry, residence, and stay for people living with HIV, Ordover served on a UNAIDS international task team addressing the health, human rights, and economic impact(s) of such bans on immigrants, migrants, refugees, asylees, and detainees. They currently work at American Jewish World Service. Ordover lives and writes in Brooklyn.