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Parting Words: We Are Still Here


  • Tadodaho Sid Hill

    Tadodaho Sidney (Sid) Hill, Onondaga Nation, Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Born to Eel Clanmother Phoebe Hill, Sid was raised in the traditional ways of the longhouse. Always an advocate for human rights and the environment, as a young man Sid traveled in 1973 with a delegation from the Onondaga Nation in support of the Oglala Lakota people on Pine Ridge in protest of corruption involving then Tribal President Richard Wilson and the failure of the United States Government to fulfill treaties. A lifelong lacrosse player, Sid is one of the founding members of the Iroquois National Team, and was chosen as the team captain for the Australia games in 1984. In 1996. Sid was chosen to “warm the seat” of the title of Tadodaho and was selected in 2002. This title is unique as this lifetime position is the only title chosen by the other 49 chiefs of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Sid is working daily on such issues as, International Indigenous issues, the Doctrine of Discovery, hydrofracking, and commerce to name a few, together with all the daily issues facing the Haudenosaunee. One of his most important responsibilities is ensuring the Haudenosaunee continue their traditional teachings. Sid has had the honor of opening the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues for over ten years. He takes this responsibility extremely seriously and has a deep understanding of how all decisions and actions impact the Haudenosaunee.