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Host: K. Wayne Yang – Closing

The host will open and close the day by weaving a synthesis of themes from the presentations, artistic performances, cultural work and dialogues to take place on the convening days theme of Legacies of Eugenics. 


  • K. Wayne Yang

    K. Wayne Yang writes about decolonization and everyday epic organizing, sometimes for an avatar called la paperson, and often with his collaborator Eve Tuck. Currently, they are convening The Land Relationships Super Collective with several Indigenous and non-Indigenous community organizations engaged in land-based projects. Dr. Yang’s work transgresses the line between scholarship and community. He was the co-founder of the Avenues Project, a non-profit youth development organization, as well as East Oakland Community High School, which were inspired by the Survival Programs of the Black Panther Party. He is provost of John Muir College and professor in ethnic studies at UC San Diego.