Explore the powerful poetry of rising poets Makai Brown, Yanina Chicas, Jaxsyn Claymore, Wahpe Clifford, Maia Sanaa Eaton, Mikayla Johnson, Belise Nishimwe, Pte San Win Little Whiteman, and Autumn White Eyes
Artist Bio

Belise Nishimwe, a 2019 Poetry Out Loud Oregon Champion, and Pamplin Media Group Amazing Kids Award Recipient is a poet, scholar, activist, and visionary. She was born and lived in a refugee camp in Tanzania until the age of five when she and her family moved to America through Catholic Charities. Now a U.S. citizen, she has dedicated herself to creating a platform that gives a voice to marginalized people and the representation they need.
Currently, she attends Washington University in St. Louis (WashU) on a full-ride, as a distinguished John B. Ervin Scholar.
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