Pte San Win Little Whiteman

Headshot of Pte San Win Little Whiteman
Pte San Win Little Whiteman is an Oglala Lakota Writer , their pronouns are they/them and they reside in the Medicine Root District of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. They work in multimedia, ranging from drawing, painting, sewing, theatre arts, beading, and writing. When they were younger, they took on the arts to cope through mental health struggles; in doing so, they grew a passion for bringing attention to not only mental health struggles but environmental struggles. In their adolescent years, Pte San Win participated in plays, on-stage performances, Oral Interpretation, and speech contests. Now they pursue a career dedicated to helping youth poets/artists find their voices and strengthen their communities. Along with content creation on social media, they focus on spreading awareness for what is happening in our indigenous communities, using their platform to openly express themselves, video log their life journey’s, and reading their poetry.