October 1, 2021
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Panel: Transformative Strategies for Non-Eugenic Futures
Dawn Wooten Michelle Morse Merle McGee Sahar Aziz Tamika Middleton
Featuring movement leaders, scholars and practitioners who are deconstructing and dismantling eugenics through new practices and traditions that are audacious and change setting. Dawn Wooten, LPN, also known as the ICE Whistleblower of the Irwin County Detention Center, Dr. Michelle Morse of Equal Health, Merle McGee Chief Equity Engagement Officer of Planned Parenthood of Greater NY, Sahar Aziz, Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School, and moderator, Tamika Middleton of Winds of Change Consulting & JustGeorgia, will speak to movement building strategies and community led interventions that dare to interrupt the erasure of those most impacted by eugenics.